Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Are you serious? Like, for shiz?

Way too many people are complaining about the new car seat recommendations.

"My precious is too uncomfortable!" "But my precious NEEDS to see the DVD player!" "But it's EASIER!"

Are you effing joking? If you're going to NOT follow the recommendations, at least come up with an excuse that's not piss poor.

Cast it > casket, of course.

From CNN.com:
"A 2007 study in the journal Injury Prevention found that children under age 2 are 75 percent less likely to die or to be severely injured in a crash if they are rear-facing. Another study found riding rear-facing to be five times safer than forward-facing."

I think this includes kids that are super long, as well.

So, your child won't fit in the infant seat higher than 22 lbs (for a seat such as the Graco Snugride, on walmart.com for $80)? Well, they also make these handy seats that go from rear facing to forward facing, such as the Cosco Scenera, at walmart.com for an entire $39! It rear faces up to 35 lbs (and my own daughter, tall for 2 years old and weighing in at 26 lbs, could still rear face in this thing!) and then you can get even more use out of it, flipping it forward facing until 40 lbs. My FOUR year old is barely 40 lbs and at the average weight for his age.

I'm 99.9997% sure that this information (found through a whole 3 minutes of searching) trumps any of the above-mentioned excuses for why you just haaaaaaaave to flip your kid around right at 1 year and 20 lbs (unless, Todd forbid, you decided to break the law). Not to mention, the two car seats- the same ones that will allow your child to rear face until at LEAST age 2- cost a total of $119. Hell, you can even skip the infant seat and go straight to the convertible, in which case you can spend only $39 to keep your kid safe.

A car seat: $40
A hospital stay: $4000

Is that really worth a DVD?

Friday, March 11, 2011

I knew it.

You secretly wish to surround yourself with snark.

You CRAVE snark.

Well, you landed on a site that's full of it.